1. Breathe.
We breathe Naturally. Involuntarily. Continuously. We don't ever NEED to think about it.
But when we do think about it, the mind changes, and we get a little more PERSPECTIVE.
Turning our attention to something so simple creates a mentality that says,
Hmmm... maybe life is a little more simple than I thought.
Everything that is creating stress in your life just gets a little more manageable.
2. Breathe deeper.
Let's talk science for a minute here.
When we are under stress of any kind, our brain naturally shifts into a kind of auto-pilot -
- a.k.a. - the sympathetic nervous system -
- a.k.a. - the fight-or-flight response -
All this means is that under stress, our decisions tend to be dominated by our instinct. We make choices based on our brain's natural ability to determine whether we should stay and fight the stressful situation, or run from it with our tails tucked.
Now, as COOL as it is that our brains can make decisions without us, for survival purposes, this doesn't always work to our advantage.
For example, when I'm under stress, I tend to run from it (i.e., the FLIGHT response), which means that I lose potential opportunities, I lose self-confidence, and I lose the important life lessons I could have learned from facing my stress.
Someone more aggressive than me might attack the problem head-on, without evaluating the cost-benefit ratio (i.e. the FIGHT response). You see, not every problem necessarily needs to be attacked. Sometimes the damage done by fighting costs more than it is worth.
So that's the sympathetic nervous system in a nutshell.
Now, we also have a parasympathetic nervous system, which is the half that dominates our brains when we are NOT under stress. This is the side that is more relaxed, and deals with the easy stuff like 'rest-and-digest.' It holds the ugly fight-or-flight response at bay, saying, 'Chill out, bro, it's all good.' (Like my science explanation?)
Okay, so where am I going with all this? It's simple.
When we're under stress, and we breathe more deeply, we actually alter the brain's information processing. *GASP.* I know. I know. MIND-BOGGLING. We can shift the nervous system away from its sympathetic dominance to its parasympathetic side, so that we're actually inhibiting the brain's neural responses to stress. The beauty of it is that we are able to face stress with calm, rational thinking, instead of freaking out.
So if you enjoy the feeling of freaking out, losing control, and behaving in irrational ways, then please, by all means, don't bother breathing deeply.
3. Breathe some more.
There's a saying that goes way back in yogic tradition:
You can live for weeks without food, days without water, but only a matter of seconds without air.
Love it.